Dealing with stressors

 Necessity is said to be the
mother of invention. Most of the breakthroughs we have in technology, medical
science etc. came as result of the need to solve a problem. In trying to solve
the problems, new and better ways of doing things were discovered and are presently
helping mankind navigate the 21
st century.

My idea of an ideal world may be
different from what you conceive as an ideal world. Whilst some prefer to be on
their toes, really busy trying to tackle one task or the other, some would
rather go for a less stressful venture. In the end, both may get the result of what
they worked for or at least something close to it. Do not always fret when
faced with difficult situations, some of those difficulties are meant to shape
you, make you a stronger person better suited to handle bigger
responsibilities. In life, our experiences contribute a lot to what we
eventually become, that is why it is very necessary to guard yourself against
negativities, because they may seep into your subconscious mind and may
eventually rule you. Those difficult situations are meant to be handled well,
lessons learnt; it is not supposed to be your grave or make you less the person
you are.

Experiences whether good or bad are
to leave us with memories, it is what we decide to do with those memories that
matters. Try and turn all your experiences to stepping stones, do not make the
mistake of allowing the negatives ones to alter the real you.

As you go through this week,
consciously weed your mind of all undesirable stressors, read books, engage in
activities that will relieve your mind and go ahead to conquer your world.

Have a beautiful week!



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