Look Before You Leap

Think it through. Do not be in a hurry to make a decision especially one that can affect you in the long run. Do not be in a hurry to agree to that proposal, engagement etc because of the excitement of the moment, think it through. Do not be pressured into making any type of decision at all. It may look unimportant to you at that moment, but it can take you years to recover from the effects of a bad decision, therefore, look before you leap!

Some people are of the view that a good decision can be a product of luck, as sometimes one cannot predict the overall effect of one’s decision. This may be true for some matters of providence where we humans do not have an exact control over. In most cases, you can know the likely effect of a choice you are making. If you do not know the likely effect of the choice you intend to make, it simply means you have not done your research well. It calls for more research, understand what you intend to go into, then make a well-informed decision. The test of ones decision-making skills is usually in the result one produces. Unfortunately, you can do your proper research, make the best decision, and still yield the undesired result. People will call it failure, look at it is another learning curve, teaching you how things cannot work, while you prepare to add another value in your area of interest.

The journey of life is generally unpredictable, do your best, give that project, relationship or whatever it is you intend to embark on your best. If it turns out well, fine, if it doesn’t at least you are sure you gave it your best.

Do not be discouraged if your choices seem to yield the opposite effect you desired, simply go back to the drawing board and find out why your extensive efforts yield the undesired one. You may find out that you need to learn more, or just do something a bit more differently.

A new week is upon us, take your time and make a well informed decision in everything you will be doing this week.

Have a good day!

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