Every time people go against their belief or what they stand for in order to follow the crowd, in most cases, they end up regretful of their action and disappointed with the outcome of that decision. I understand that it is not easy to be a lone voice standing for an unpopular opinion or decision, but it is always better failing while doing something you truly believe in, than what you don’t believe in. It is more honourable to fail while standing for your beliefs, than succeed while toeing a dishonourable path.
In our world today, there is a thin line between what is considered good and what is considered not bad but rather expedient. Irrespective of how we choose to view certain subjects and our convictions, there lies deep down in the heart of every man, the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.
Again, it is important to note that sometimes there are no right or wrong beliefs, rather interests and deep convictions about the subject in question.
Remember, it is easy to fall for anything when you don’t know where you stand! It’s important for everyone to have a code they live by. This code usually would determine your position on issues, it would make you to be known for something. It makes it easy for people to trust your word and action, when you have consistently stood for something, either a belief, or maintained a predictable character.
Being everywhere or just not thinking deep about issues or the position you should take would make your life an unpleasant one. Apart from losing the respect of people, you would find it difficult to accomplish something worthwhile in life. It is good to be free minded, yes, but it is an error to live your life with levity and taking everything at face value.
It is a new week, take a stock of your life and fix every mindset or deep-rooted issues that have brought unpleasant results to you. It is possible to do so, just take it one step at a time.
Have a good week!