It may not be easy to be yourself in a world where many people no longer value authenticity. There is always one advice or advert that you can be more if you buy this, wear this, look like this or just behave in a certain way. No matter what these adverts and society portray, remember that real people would always value authenticity. The best you can be is to be your unapologetic self! Be you, you are unique, there is no other person in the whole universe that can be you better than you.
This is a message to you to love yourself, be proud of your achievements, be intentional about keeping your head clear and not allowing societal expectations change you. It is ok to address any character flaw you may have, it is also ok to listen to other people’s view on issues and come to your own conclusion which may include changing your former opinion. These things are normal and happen in life.
Being authentic here means not allowing yourself to be pressured into becoming someone else, for instance some people have fallen under the societal pressure of seeing being slim or a having a particular height or complexion as being the best physical feature. Being authentic also means recognizing that your opinion on an issue matter even though you may not have the financial strength or connections that the other people in the room may have. It means being comfortable with knowing and saying that you don’t like a trend despite having everyone going for that trend. Be comfortable with being you, be ok with being just a little different if that is who you are. You are more likely to live a happy and fulfilled life if you remain who you are. I mean the easiest person you can be is you.
Have a good day!