Functioning Effectively

Brunette Woman in Gray Blazer Presenting Business Diagrams on a Whiteboard

Our brain has been designed by nature to contain myriads of information. However, despite this ability, it sometimes forgets some important information which may be because of stress or just pure lack of proper recording or retention of such information. To help ourselves function well and remember all the important information we need, we must form the habit of writing down important information and setting our alarms where necessary to remind us of what we need to do. Without this, we may not function effectively.

Do you want to function optimally and effectively? If you want to do so, then you have to form the habit of retaining important information in a permanent form e.g., you can write it down, record it, have a pictorial representation of that information etc., the main thing is to be able to retain that information in a way and manner that is easily accessible to you whenever you need that information. If you want to conquer your procrastination problem, start by writing down activities or list of what you need to do. Check that list every day and ensure that you tick off every item on your list. Discipline yourself to follow your list, you can even give yourself rewards for every time you complete all tasks in your to-do-list. You can also deny yourself some pleasure anytime you have an outstanding matter or unresolved issue on your list, that way you internally look forward to your reward and this may motivate you to do everything you need to do to complete your set goals.

Realizing our goals and objectives in life all starts in our mind. Firstly, one has to be determined to succeed at that identified goal no matter how difficult that may be. Then comes the stage of writing down everything we know or wish to know about that goal. Then you undertake an intensive study, research or make necessary findings about how to accomplish that set objective. After you are through with this, then you execute. Remember to give yourself timelines for the completion of your task or goals, if not you may be stuck in the planning stage, never ever having the will to move on to the execution stage.

It is a new week, let’s all assist our brains perform its function optimally. Yes, it is time to get your to-do-list beside you again.

Have a blessed week.

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