Bottling up certain emotions may not be the best for you. If you feel angry, by all means, control it, so you don’t cause more harm to yourself and the object or subject of your anger. Certain emotions like hurt, loss, etc., require some form of expression so you can recover quickly, or heal from whatever you are dealing with. (You can see the video version of this here-https://youtu.be/uZP8_0GOUqo?si=03th8Lq2EGC7FXjX)
Another way to heal from certain emotions is to discuss what you are feeling with a loved one. Having a listening ear especially when you need it is cathartic. Do not allow other people to make you feel less about yourself. The reason for this is quite clear, having low self-esteem or not feeling confident about your abilities puts you in a bad place emotionally. This will drastically affect your output in any area of your chosen endeavour. It does not matter whether or not you express the emotions you feel i.e. not good enough, self-defeat etc., these emotions are negative ones, so even if you don’t bottle them up, they still have a way of affecting you.
The only way to deal with such feelings is to avoid them. If this means avoiding certain people, do so. If this means building capacity, then do so. It is only when the root causes of these emotions are addressed, that you can start to fully live your life beautifully.
To heal from a bad situation, you must tell yourself that you are ready to heal and move on from that hurt. Without this determination, no amount of external help can assist you. Are external help good, yes they are, are they sufficient to help you, No, they are not. So, make up your mind today that you are ready to express only the right kind of emotions, that you are ready and willing to do what it takes to be in the right place mentally, and that above all, you are ready to be truly happy again.
The universe agrees with whatever you have set your mind to do. Therefore go into this week with the right mind set and the right attitude!
Have a great week!