A Dream, An Aspiration?

Its the second week of my new blog, I had gotten around to asking people to read the blog and share their thoughts with me. The responses has been insightful, I now see that nothing is really black and white. While I encouraged people to chase their dreams, I failed to see that what is termed “dreams” is not really clear to some people. For instance, someone said her dream is to be rich, another said being rich cannot be considered a dream, rather a dream should be an activity or something more meaningful than just the desire to be rich, after all according to the last person everyone really wants to be rich, so it shouldn’t be considered a dream.
My opinion flowing from the above comments is that anything at all can be an aspiration. You can aspire to be rich or be anything you ever want to be. No one is entitled to belittle anyone’s dream because it probably doesn’t conform to their approved ideas of what a dream should be. In practical terms a dream/an aspiration can only be determined by the “owner” of that dream. A dream simply means ones aspirations or desires. Everyone is entitled to dream as much as they want, the only snag is whether such dream is realisable. I think we should concentrate on finding out the best way to achieving our dreams rather than dwelling so long in the aspiration process. No matter how beautiful your ambitions are, they only remain ambitions, ideas, dreams UNTIL something is done about them. Forget about discussing the end product of the dream which is the success stage, but focus immensely on the process that can lead you to achieve those aspirations. There are usually short and long term plans to realising our goals. Focus on taking those everyday steps, those steps will eventually lead to the bigger ones, which with time and continuous, constant reflections will lead to the ultimate destination.
I will wrap this week’s insight, with these words from Harriet Turban “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

4 thoughts on “A Dream, An Aspiration?”

  1. 'Very similar to one of my write-ups; it's very encouraging too. However, I feel most people are unsure what their dreams are ( I have a friend like that). Could you give one or two advices to her.Thanks and nice write-up!

  2. I believe there are activities your friend has a passion for. To discover what your dreams are, I think the person should start with knowing what he/she is passionate about. Everyone is usually passionate about something. Advice your friend to start with discovering their passion, with time everything would be clear.

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