The idea of being gainfully
employed is not just about going to work every day. It is about keeping your
mind busy, challenging yourself every passing day and achieving results. To be
idle is akin to being partially dead. The popular adage, “the devil finds work
for the idle mind” cannot be more correct. The negative thoughts find easier expression
in an idle mind, that is why everyone is encouraged to do volunteer works or engage
in other activities related to their skills when they are out of a job.
The key word is to be busy, keep
your mind engaged. Do not give room for depressive thoughts. It is possible to
be employed and still be idle. So the question is what are you doing every day,
within your work hours, outside the work hours, are you improving your skill in
your line of work, are you learning anything new, are you growing? There has to
be a growth one way or the other in anything you have chosen to do, in that way
you won’t become outdated. Growth is the reward for being gainfully busy. No
matter what you do, avoid situations where your creativity or skill is not in
use, even though you may appear busy, you are not gainfully busy, so the growth
process may not come into play. Writing down what you plan to do when things go
awry in your work place, life e.t.c may be considered by some people as being
pessimistic, but I think it’s a way to prepare your mind that there are eventualities
in life. Plan for the good and the bad times. Your plan should include short or long term ideas of what you need to
do to keep your mind sane and busy pending when your situation is sorted out. It
doesn’t have to be something very elaborate, just a small reminder of what to
do to stay sane in your vulnerable state.
It is another new week, get your
mind gainfully busy, your thoughts and actions should match your desire for
growth in your chosen endeavor, above all learn to access yourself once in a
while and make the necessary changes you need to make.
See you at the top!