Nwamaka Johnson

Rise Again

We are gradually drawing close the curtain of 2020. A lot of unplanned events happened this year. Apart from the global pandemic and the economic downturn that followed, some people’s fortune changed for good, though the latter is in the minority. It is more a case of different strokes for different people; while some companies […]

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 Having the desire to enjoy a particular lifestyle is good. This desire makes some people go out of their comfort zones in order to achieve a particular result. When such actions are carried out over a long duration of time, it becomes a habit which eventually leads to the outcome desired by that individual. The

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Am I busy?

The idea of being gainfully employed is not just about going to work every day. It is about keeping your mind busy, challenging yourself every passing day and achieving results. To be idle is akin to being partially dead. The popular adage, “the devil finds work for the idle mind” cannot be more correct. The

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Gratitude or thankfulness is an attitude, it is not necessarily triggered by something or someone, it happens where a person has made a conscious effort to develop a thankful heart. A grateful heart is not necessarily affected by an untoward conduct from someone else or an unpleasant situation, such person simply chooses to recognize the

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My musings

Mass protests has in the history of some countries been the main engineer for positive changes. My country Nigeria is currently experiencing one of its major mass protest. The youths are demanding for a reform in the Nigerian Police force. This protest is particularly gathering wide attention because of the way it is being done.

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