Setting out to accomplish a difficult feat is quite commendable as many people would usually shy away from an activity or a goal that seems very unachievable or difficult to realize. I believe this is why there are awards and commendations given to people with notable achievements in different fields of human endeavour. Some people simply start out trying to fill a need or create a solution to a problem they identified. They take those actions not because of their interest in any form of award, but somehow they eventually not only solve a problem, but they do it in a way that generations unborn are forever impacted by their works. So, the keyword is to do something about a need you feel strongly about. Lending yourself, skill, time etc. to that passion of yours may just be the only ingredient you need to make a remarkable impact in your chosen endeavor.
The adage ”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” cannot be truer, so try your hands on different things. Do something, it is better to fail doing something than not doing anything at all. Waiting for that perfect opportunity that may never come will keep you stuck. Move, do something, remember there is never a perfect time for a work or an activity to be carried out, something inconvenient will always come up. So, simply take a stock of your life and the things you have always wanted to do for want of opportunity or time and just do them. You never can tell what will come out of that activity.
Today is a good day to get yourself right back on track. Think, explore your ideas, and just go ahead and make a mark in your chosen endeavour.
Have a good week!