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Important lesson for today
Don’t listen to nay-sayers, the people who are quick to point out what you can’t do, instead of encouraging you to try. Don’t listen to sycophants, the people who are there to hail you...
Push on!
Being dogged has its advantages; it sets you apart when the going gets tough, (a lot of people buckle under pressure) it also helps you see things to the end. Life can be tough; therefore, everyone needs...
Be open minded
Loosing sometimes can still be a win if there are considerable life lessons to be learnt from that experience. There are lessons you cannot learn in a formal classroom, it is only by living that experience...
Stay positive
Kick start your week with a fresh dose of positivity. It’s a new week ushering new opportunities, new beginnings and new happenings. You have the chance to make it worthwhile, that is why you have...
Rise like a phoenix!
Irrespective of what life has thrown at you, you can choose to learn and move on from that experience or remain the victim of that experience. I would advise everyone to choose the former. When people...
Be Bold!
Most people are attracted to the guys/ladies that exude confidence, and the reason for this attraction is not far-fetched. It is beautiful to watch confident people. Confidence is like a nice perfume which...
Go For it!
How do you increase your output? In the production parlance, how do you scale up your production? What factors can one see and decide that the time is appropriate to go for a bigger challenge? Many people...
Self Improvement
Are you in the habit of going the familiar route? Would you rather stick to the known than going all the way to seek the uncertainties in the unknown? There is nothing wrong with taking the more travelled...