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Work on your dreams
Nothing good in life comes easy, so if you desire a particular lifestyle, story, result etc, you should work towards it. We often hear people tell stories of their humble beginnings and how hard they worked...
Your true character
One of the ways to know a person of character is if he/she can say the truth and also stand by their word. It is very easy to claim you are a person of character, but truly we only know who people are...
Life Experiences
You should follow an advice rendered to you only when that advice is a good one. It does not matter the calibre of person that rendered the advice what is important is that that opinion, suggestion etc. solves...
Pardonable Conducts
It is okay to feel afraid when certain things happen to make you afraid. It is also okay to admit a weakness you have. What is not normal is the society making it absurd for one to show any form of weakness. Nobody...
Your opinion counts
Independent minded people are not afraid to voice out their opinion, they are always ready to defend what they believe in. Their belief system is not hinged upon what people think or consider popular,...
Just a thought
Sometimes when something does not feel right then there is a possibility that something is not right. When you have a hunch to do something, do so because ignoring that hunch may lead to a very disastrous...
Be determined
Is there really anything too difficult for one to do? When someone refuses to do something because it is difficult, the truth is that the person just does not want to be involved in that thing. The saying,...
Self Improvement
 When faced with unusual circumstances think deep before taking any permanent action. It would be wise to consult people who you know have gone through what you are facing. A timely advice can help...