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Manage Success
The unexpected can always happen to anyone. It could be a good experience; it could also be a bad one. Everyone hopes to experience the good, nobody wants the undesirable ugly life experiences to come...
Level up
We are often inspired by what we see around us. Some end up studying a particular course or taking a certain career path because an uncle, aunt or a relation somewhere was in that career path and they...
Is it possible to go through life without having misunderstandings with people? I don’t think that is possible as sometimes we offend others without meaning to through our actions or omissions. Having...
Leave a mark!
We all have our lifetimes to make the kind of impact we will like to be remembered for. For some people it is service to humanity, for some its being available to their families. What matters is what you...
Do it now!
The easiest thing to do in this life is to post-pone carrying out a particular activity. It is very easy to say “I will do that later” than to actually do that work. Procrastination is a problem many people...
Life has no rules!
I am yet to see someone who had his life plan play out exactly like he intended. Sometimes, there may be slight deviations along the way, several other roads to reach the person’s ultimate goal, a lot...
Start well
 Today is a good day, I can feel it, it will usher in the dawn of a new season in some people’s life. Whether we like it or not some people are at the beginning stages of a particular endeavor in...
Define boundaries, be tolerant
Living with someone comes with learning how to be tolerant. This is very important in order to have a harmonious existence with that person. This is because both of you are two unique individuals with...