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Tenacity is one of the pre requisite for success. I am yet to see someone who succeeded by mistake. There is always a deliberate action from that person seeking success without which such person cannot...
New things come out everyday whether in fashion, technology, science etc. What we do with these new happenings is often a reflection of our interest. A person interested in the fashion industry wants to...
“To err is human and to forgive
is divine”…We have heard this phrase countless times when people are trying to
convince others to accept an apology or to forgive someone that has wronged the
person and...
The difference between ”A” and “B”
getting a job for a role both applied for and are equally qualified for could
be timing. ”A” may have applied early which gave him the opportunity to meet
the employers/assessors...
The unexpected can always happen
to anyone. It could be a good experience; it could also be a bad one. Everyone
hopes to experience the good, nobody wants the undesirable ugly life experiences
to come...
We are often inspired by what we
see around us. Some end up studying a particular course or taking a certain
career path because an uncle, aunt or a relation somewhere was in that career
path and they...
Is it possible to go through life
without having misunderstandings with people? I don’t think that is possible as
sometimes we offend others without meaning to through our actions or omissions.
We all have our lifetimes to make
the kind of impact we will like to be remembered for. For some people it is service
to humanity, for some its being available to their families. What matters is
what you...
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