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Strike a balance
 Dedication simply means paying undivided attention to a particular thing, subject or idea that has caught your interest. It also means an undivided loyalty to that subject. No matter the distraction, you...
Demand a "Yes"
Trying to get ahead can be quite tasking especially when you are coming from an unfavorable background. That is not to say that such background is an excuse to underperform or relegate yourself to a more...
Balance them out!
How have you improved your skill set in recent times? It is very easy to keep working and forget about your personal development goals until it is almost late. The workloads, deadlines and work stress...
A kind reminder
 Life may not always give you what you want, but you should be able to try as much as possible to work for the type of life you want. You may succeed, you may not, but all the same try so that even...
Decision Making
 Most people judge things on face value. They do not bother with making investigations before they make their choices. Sometimes the effect of such careless approach may be not seen immediately until...
Please unwind!
 We are in the holiday season. By holiday season, I mean summer months where people tend to slow down a bit on work and take some vacation. As much as this sounds like the most usual thing on earth,...
Try Again
The path to greatness is often filled with difficulties, uncertainties, doubts and at times repeated errors. It’s not easy to make decisions, plans and carry them through without encountering hitches on...
Be a helper
We rise by lifting others. I know many of us have heard this sentence countless times. I do not know whether everyone really understands the true meaning of this sentence. You can only lift others if you...