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Let's do something
Opportunities abound in life, but unfortunately some people hardly see it. Maybe opportunities are not seen by everyone because they often come disguised or rather hidden, demanding keener sense of observation...
Dealing with stressors
 Necessity is said to be the mother of invention. Most of the breakthroughs we have in technology, medical science etc. came as result of the need to solve a problem. In trying to solve the problems,...
It is still possible
 Living in advanced countries comes with many advantages, apart from being sure of a working system, there is an assurance of a minimum quality of life. A hardworking person can be guaranteed of his...
Build your knowledge bank
It is believed that people get wiser with age. This is because it is often taken that individuals learn a whole lot from life experiences. I wouldn’t expect a 5-year-old to know much about heart break,...
One step at a time
It is a new week. I guess many people already planned how they intend this week to go. Even if it is not a clear defined plan, at least they have an idea of what they intend to do for the week. Whilst...
Your lane, the best lane
Stay on your lane! This might be a not-so common way to start a write-up, but it is intended for the effect. People tend to interfere too much with what is not their business. I do not mean that good checking...
Push on
The world always celebrates success. Nobody really cares when you are in the process of building that path. The failures, the disappointments, the attempt to give up all becomes worthy of mention when...
Tough Decisions
As humans we do have that tendency to shy away from things that may bring us pain, we would rather go to the spa, have a good time with friends than indulge in any activity that may bring us either physical...