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It has always been a good idea to look out for people. Not necessarily because it is your duty to do so, but simply because it is humane to do so. It might be misinterpreted at times as not minding...
The idea of being gainfully
employed is not just about going to work every day. It is about keeping your
mind busy, challenging yourself every passing day and achieving results. To be
idle is akin to being...
Gratitude or thankfulness is an
attitude, it is not necessarily triggered by something or someone, it happens
where a person has made a conscious effort to develop a thankful heart. A
grateful heart is...
Mass protests has in the history
of some countries been the main engineer for positive changes. My country
Nigeria is currently experiencing one of its major mass protest. The youths are
demanding for...
Humans have inalienable rights
which ascribes to them just by virtue of being humans. These rights amongst
others include the right to life, right to human dignity, etc. Though these
rights are inalienable,...
A story is never complete until
you hear the other side of that story. Do not be tempted to judge a situation
until you are fully aware of what transpired. We tend to react quickly to tales
of woes, oppression...
Welcome to a new week, the third
week in the month of September 2020. No matter how I loved the past week, I
know it has passed and will never come again. I know that as always with life,
good things come...
The ninth letter of the English alphabet
can successfully form a word without any help from other letters of the English
alphabet. It is the only alphabet that can stand alone literally without any
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