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Undesirable Changes
Change is the only constant thing in life. If we had thought this to be a mere statement, the COVID 19 pandemic has shown us the reality of change. What are the things we need to do, to adjust to any undesirable...
My Creed
Statistics has shown that a large number of wealthy or rich people still have one problem or the other which they deal with. That peculiar attribute you enjoy, such as your peace of mind, having genuine...
Moving On
It is very comforting to know that one is not alone when facing certain difficult life experiences. When you face something that throws you off balance, look for a support group for people that have faced...
My finances
Certainty is a firm conviction that something is the case. In other words, if someone shows me something as A, I do not need to go for further verification to confirm whether or not that statement is true....
Emotional well-being
It is important to live healthy, and, keeping fit is one of the ways to be healthy. The popular phrase “health is wealth” couldn’t be truer. Just as keeping fit and eating healthy meals...
Are all failures warranted?
I have seen people who have practically tried everything you can imagine in life, yet they failed at them and moved on to something new. It is good to learn how to dust yourself up after a “failure”...
Compelled to stay at home?
It’s another new week, trust we are all dealing well with the stay at home directive. Surely, we will come out of this stronger. I will like to talk about how I’m dealing with the stay at home order. The...
Happy Easter, hope the break has been worthwhile. It’s funny how we plan to do one thing or the other during a holiday season and we end up doing something totally different from what we had planned....