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You are unique
No two kids from the same parents are ever alike, even twins usually develop into different personalities. We are created to be different and unique. Imagine a world where everyone is the same in terms...
Fear is a factor that has kept people away from reaching for the stars. Fear of failure, of inadequacy, of what people will say etc. has caused more dreams to be shattered than any other factor in this...
My resolve
In the world of noise, sounds and major distractions, be that lone voice that still speaks with reason. In a world filled with bile and hurtful conducts, be that exception, that wonderful human that is...
Stay positive!
Staying positive is one of the best ways to live a worry-free life. Where situations around you warrant doing the unthinkable, staying positive enables you to live through the inconveniences and come out...
Show me that man that is consistent and I’ll show you a man that can survive all odds and the vagaries of life. Consistency simply means keeping to your word or a particular conduct, such that another...
Happy New Month! Yea, it’s the last month of the first quarter of 2020. We barely said happy new year just yesterday. As the year keeps advancing, that’s how our years on earth advances. So,...
It is a very good feeling when you know you are at the top of your game, when you eventually reap the fruit of your labour. While feeling proud of your achievements and enjoying the euphoria of success,...
How viable are my plans
Entrepreneurship seems to be the big thing these days. I often hear of people who resigned from their 9 to 5 jobs,  just to go on their own journey of becoming big time entrepreneurs. Some of the reason...