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”Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a popular saying that emphasizes the idea of keeping one’s options open.
Does keeping your options open really apply to every situation...
The world we live in has innumerable opportunities; opportunities to grow, improve ourselves, and do anything our mind can conceive. Despite the existence of these opportunities, however, so many people...
Together we all can contribute our bit to make our world better. Most times, it doesn’t take ground-breaking projects or anything of such magnitude to change our world. Little acts of kindness which...
It takes more than just a mere desire or wish, to wake up every day and do what you have set your mind to do. It takes grit, determination, and a never-say-die spirit to do that! It is not easy to muster...
Breathe in and out. Do that as many times as you can. This breathing technique helps in relaxation, it releases built-up tensions and helps in stress and anxiety situations. We cannot predict or know exactly...
It’s a new week laden with great opportunities to everyone who chooses to look beyond what is easily seen by other people. Be happy, be auspicious, and don’t bring in last week’s bad...
Whatever your hands find to do, do it well! Do it so well that you become a reference point in that field. What’s the use of agreeing to perform a task if you end up performing poorly at it? It is...
Have you ever started a project and suddenly found out that you are no longer sure of what you are doing or intend to do? I mean, you prepared adequately for this work, you were super-sure of your next...
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