

Time is the only constant factor that applies to every human being. We all have twenty-four hours of the day. So many other factors, such as our background, opportunities, environments etc, are variables. So, as much as we like to say we are busy, the question is “busy with what”? While some people can get

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It is beautiful to be around people who understand your value, understand why you act the way you do and why certain decisions you take though not common are for good. Being in a situation where the opposite of this happens can be physically and mentally draining. If care isn’t taken, you may begin to

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 When allegations are made against someone, it is usually in such a person’s interest to take action to clear his/her name. The problem with false accusations is that even though untrue most people tend to believe it unless it is shown that such accusation is false. When those false allegations stick, the victim’s character becomes

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