

Fear is a factor that has kept people away from reaching for the stars. Fear of failure, of inadequacy, of what people will say etc. has caused more dreams to be shattered than any other factor in this life. Fear simply means man’s trepidation, alarm or anticipation of danger. In other words, the fear doesn’t

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My resolve

In the world of noise, sounds and major distractions, be that lone voice that still speaks with reason. In a world filled with bile and hurtful conducts, be that exception, that wonderful human that is unaffected by the world’s bitterness. The truth is that our world is filled with a lot of happenings, the good,

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Stay positive!

Staying positive is one of the best ways to live a worry-free life. Where situations around you warrant doing the unthinkable, staying positive enables you to live through the inconveniences and come out stronger. People fight life battles daily, winning these battles are essential for one’s survival. For instance, you may be facing challenges in

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