

The act of being altruistic comes naturally to some people, for others it takes a special and conscious effort to imbibe this character. Some of these actions have to be learned. The same reason we take up courses in the higher institutions and end up being professionals in that regard is the same way we […]

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There is something called endurance, otherwise called patience, fortitude, self–restraint e.t.c. Simply put, it is the ability to tolerate delays, problems without becoming annoyed or anxious. You may at a certain point in your life experience certain uncertainties, punches you wish were never thrown or circumstances you didn’t plan for happening around you. You may


I Evolve

The theory of evolution of man has it that man evolved from lower animals, until we got to the current state of man. Scientifically, this theory has been explained and is scientifically correct. I am not one to agree totally with a theory because a scientist said so, I don’t believe my forefathers were some

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One of the first signs that you are a normal human is when you react naturally to a situation that calls for such reaction. For instance it is natural to feel offended when someone offends you, it is also natural to cry when you are hurt. They are all normal ways of expressing one’s self.

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