Change Your Approach


Silence is golden. This popular saying may sound like one of those cliche people are tired of hearing, but when you think deeply about it, you realize that this statement is indeed very true. The overwhelming impulse to speak or be heard may lead to a situation where you speak without proper information, in which case you end up misinforming others or you end up reducing peoples trust in the value of your words. When you don’t have something better or good to fill the silence, don’t say it.

I do not find it appealing when people talk for hours especially in the public or a gathering that requires less speech. I know some people feel the same way too, so practice good etiquette. Speak only when it’s absolutely necessary. Everyone values meaningful conversations, so when we say silence is golden, we are not saying people shouldn’t express themselves, we are simply saying they should read the room, understand the right place and the right occasion to make that statement. In other words making valuable comments at the right time and circumstance can never be frowned at. Speak up and speak out where the occasion calls for it, do not be cowered or feel inadequate to make your voice heard. The reasons why the society changes and improves for the better is because people chose to say or do something in situations other turned away from. So, making your voice heard is very paramount and an instrumental key to social development, keep speaking up. Just know when to use another tactic, know when to keep silent, know when actions are better than words and then do what you need to do.

One example of living a controlled and valuable life is knowing when to stop. An action you took two or three months ago may be the best action to take at that time, same may not be the best decision to take today. Know when to stop and change your approach, same applies to spoken words.

Have a great week.

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