We build habits by consciously or unconsciously repeating a particular action every day or if not every day, by repeating such action every other time. The good and bad thing about habits is that once our bodies get used to an action, it finds it almost difficult to get out of that cycle again. This is how people build hardworking streaks by forcing themselves against all odds to do something difficult, at a point their bodies get so used to that stimulus, that it no longer interprets that regular action as difficult.
Because building habits happen unconsciously, we should be careful about unintentionally starting what we don’t want to be our habits. Addictions start by regularly taking alcohol, drugs etc., to the point where it becomes difficult for such a person to quit. Before taking any substance, ask yourself whether that action can harm you if it eventually becomes a reoccurring action on your part, the answer should be your reality check question on whether the path you are towing, can harm you in the long run. It is easy to say, ‘‘oh it’s just this once, I’m not going to do that next week’’, but another question you should ask yourself again is, how many just ‘once’s’ have you said in recent times regarding that activity, this should also show you the truth of your situation.
Do not give yourself room to build wrong routines, habits, and characters. They are usually harmless at the beginning, until you become labelled an addict or lazy and unproductive! Save yourself the long-term stress of needing a therapy and all of that.
Be conscious of your actions, ask yourself the right questions. You can check laziness, procrastination, social media addiction and other self-destructive habits, by being an accountable person.
Being truthful to yourself and being deliberate about your growth and productivity, would help you quickly nip any untoward habit you may be unconsciously developing in the bud, before it becomes difficult to stop.
Remember, the level of growth and success you want to see in your life, is dependent on your conscious effort to always analyze your thoughts, and think through your actions!
Have a great day!