Just My Thoughts

woman, think, human

It’s always very easy until you are tasked with getting yours done! Learn to appreciate people’s effort, even if the work that was done doesn’t seem like a big deal. It may not be a big deal to you, but it may have taken that person a lot to get it to that final state.

Appreciate kind gestures, and little efforts; our kindness or appreciation should not be limited to big acts or mind-blowing results.

I know we are in a world where it’s very easy to overlook the ‘small’ people around us. No one really celebrates the cook, nanny or the gardener who makes the lives of other people easy. The award always goes to the big executives, the celebrities or the inventors of one ground breaking stuff or the other.

Hey, take a look around you, there are people that their lives have made more impact than those we see on tv. They may never get to be appreciated or given awards on a big stage, but their lives are so impactful that it would be very unfair to downplay their roles in our community. A little thank you here, a genuine smile there and a heartfelt hug may just be what that person needs to feel good for that day. So, do not hold back these kind gestures, be genuinely appreciative of the good of others, it doesn’t matter whether or not they are being paid to render those services.

Our world is hard already, with people having to deal with a lot of challenges; do not be too judgmental, be willing to forgive, be ready to offer help, be willing to assist people in any way you can. Above all, love yourself, because that is the only way you can truly give out love to other people.

Have a blessed week.

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