Keep At It


The tendons in your body connect your muscles to your bones. It helps to withstand the stress generated by the contraction of your muscles and also helps in movement. That is to say that if your tendon is torn, your movement will be greatly affected. In life, there are things you shouldn’t tear or allow to be torn, because in the disturbance of those things, situations or circumstance, one’s movement in life will be greatly affected if not jeopardized. For instance, dropping out of school for some people may be a death sentence, that alone may take them years to recover from and may change the trajectory of their life.  It only takes a person with a strong will, to get ahead in spite of the disappointment of dropping out of school. 

There are connections that are necessary in everyone’s life to assist that person become a complete and well-formed adult. Those connections as well as it lies in your hands should not be affected.  For instance, training a child in a good and loving home helps in the development of that child and helps that child grow into a stable and adult useful to any society.  Some of the vices the society frown upon is simply a result of the disconnection from a loving home that affected the growth and wellbeing of an adult, the result being that that ”bad” adult becomes a menace to the society.

Every successful person always had certain constant factors in their life which helped them become successful. It may be strong discipline, or a hardworking streak, or even great resilience, whatever they had they ensured they stuck to that character which eventually helped them secure their spot in their desired field. 

I know you have all that it takes to reach for the stars, you only have to be consistent with the characters that you have developed if those characters have proven to be necessary in the attainment of your goals.

Have a good week!

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