My appearance; my business.

Great to be here again. This week I will like to address an issue that is seemingly becoming a trend in our time. The trend of what size and weight is considered appropriate. Apart from the medical reason for weight loss, the other apparent reason why people lose weight is the need to look fashionable or be the size the society considers ok. While there is a need for all to be fit and healthy, I do not think a particular size is better than another. There is nothing wrong with being big, if you are fit and healthy. Do not make the mistake of allowing the society make you lose your confidence because of your size.
The issue of acceptable physical appearances affects both sexes, but ladies are more easily hit by the societal pressure to look a certain way. I have also observed that people who are considered very slim also come under the same criticism as people who are considered big. The more you allow yourself come under the societal pressure to live and look a certain way, the more you’ll lose yourself . That inability to say no to disturbing societal expectations and rules may have a negative impact in your life. Remember one of the steps to fulfilling purpose is to be confident in your skin, being confident gives you the extra resolve to pursue your dreams and aspirations. I consider boldness, confidence in one’s self and self awareness as one of the first major steps to fulfilling our purpose.
As you enter this new week, drain yourself from all form of negativity, determine again to own your life and live it at your terms. Go out, relax, make new friends, remember to be bold and confident in your skin.

1 thought on “My appearance; my business.”

  1. It's an inspiring post. We don't need to live life in a bid to always please others. And I love this line in particular "Own your life and live it at your terms". Kudos

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