Stuck In A Limbo?


Starting new activities or ventures does not come easy to many people. But this does not deter those determined to see that activity through, from embarking on that journey. There is always a first time for everything. The energy required to start maybe more than the energy required to continue. Most times our minds connect more to what we are used to, than an activity that is totally new. This may be the reason some people are stuck on their old jobs instead of trying something new, despite their unsatisfaction with their current job. This is also the same for people in abusive relationships, they are there not because they are getting the best out of such relationships, but rather because that is what they are used to.

Resist the temptation of the comfort zone. Your ”comfort zone” is not only the place where you are comfortable or simply living your best life, your comfort zone could be any place or status quo you are used to, despite it not yielding the best advantage to you. Many people are currently at this zone, either because they do not have the idea of how to get out of that place, or, they lack the motivation to take the necessary steps needed to get the best out of their lives.

No matter what your situation may be, anytime you are ready to change your life, you will; remember once there is a will, there is a way.

You may lack the motivation to start something new or take certain steps to change your circumstance, however, do not allow this ‘‘lack of motivation’’ stop you from thinking about that possibility. Everything starts in the mind, the more you think about something, the more your brain or mind starts processing the possibility of that thing happening, and because your body is more attuned to what it is familiar with, it would not take time, you will see yourself finally doing what your mind has conceived.

This is your cue today to allow your mind soar. You may be bereft of ideas now, you may not even know the steps to take, you may feel you are stuck in a limbo with no hope of coming out. Trust me, once you allow your mind do its work, you will realize that very soon, even sooner than you can imagine, the good you want will eventually happen.

Have a beautiful week!

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