dogs, white, river

It is very important to understand the value of what you have or what you have been given. This will help you treat it in a manner that equates its importance. For instance, one wouldn’t treat a treasured bequest by his late relative the same way he would treat an article purchased maybe in a mall or from a roadside vendor. For one, though both items are important to the person, one has more value than the other. He would be expected to safekeep and handle that bequest with more care, than he would if it were just an article of clothing which is very and easily replaceable. The value of the former may not be in the cost, but in the emotional connection to the person that made that bequest.

Everything in life comes with a measure of value, one, the value the maker of that product attaches to it, and two, that the buyer attaches to it. The purchaser who buys the product ultimately decides what value to accord that product in his scale of preference.

Do you offer a service or sell a product? Remember the importance your client or your customer attaches to the service you offer or the product you sell, is reflected on how much they are willing to pay for it. If you rank your value high and present it in that manner, there are chances the other person would believe in that and pay you the worth you are asking for.

You could have a good product but fail to understand the real value, the customer who would have paid the product’s worth, may have no choice but to pay exactly what you are offering, maybe because you lack the confidence to show the true worth of your product or service.

Learn to understand the true value of things, be it items or services or even a relationship. It is only when you truly understand this that you would accord certain subjects the importance that they deserve. Be a valuable person too, treat yourself like one, be bold and confident and be firm in your resolve to be your best version.

Have a good week!

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