You Are Important To Me

If you are a gregarious and fun-loving person, you understand the frustration of going long hours, days, or weeks without social interaction. Even introverts acknowledge the need for human connection, though they may find excessive interaction overwhelming. This recognition explains why they maintain friendships, even if their social circles are small. (You can see the video version of this here )

Human connections are very important, that’s clear. But the real question is, what kind of people are in your life? Do they bring you peace, where you can truly be yourself? Unfortunately, some people have been hurt repeatedly while trying to build those connections. While it’s vital to interact with others, we must also be cautious to avoid those who would take advantage of us. It’s a challenging world, but we still need to connect.

At times some people tend to withdraw into their shells once they are hurt by what someone said or did to them. This is wrong on all levels, you shouldn’t stop living your life because of an error in judgment that led you to trust the wrong person. Rather learn from it, and keep going. No man is an island, this popular saying is apposite to our central theme. So whilst you are trying to reach your goals and achieve your dreams, remember that you will need people to share in your joy when you eventually achieve that dream of yours. My advice to you is that whilst chasing that dream of yours, make it a deliberate policy to check up on your loved ones. It might be tough at first, especially if you’re busy, but it gets easier with time.

A new week is here, remember no matter how successful you are, you need genuine people around you. So, try and treat people well, and accord them the respect they deserve. The law of the universe is that you reap whatever you sow. Invest in human relationships; you will undoubtedly reap the rewards in time.

Have a fruitful week!

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